Je Suis Le Vent
feb 3, 2025
Vishnu Loquette
current mood: motivated
currently eating: goldfish
currrently drinking: coke in a duck cup
listening to: rocket - wfanfc
quote: "theres so much we could do if i wasn't dead."
when i close my eyes
i can live any life i want.
its me again.
life is hard. but im doing well. ive made some new friends which is good.
amuro (saw pigs fly) and pasta (worlds only hockey player) i love yall so much.
i feel like that penguin picture.. things get tough but i march on. i haven't been attending my classes because i really dont like going to school. this school is so lame.. but ive been doing the work, trying not to be as lazy as i was. i see many people around me with their friends and having fun and it does feel a little sad at times, but not as much it used to. you see, as of right now im very focused.
why? you may ask. well, by the tail-end of this year. im gonna see an old friend.
lets call them... "g.v"
and i also want to see another friend... :)
thats why im trying to focus more on myself and do well-ish in school.
and also why i really stopped caring about stuff and people at this current school.
i won't be here for much longer, so currently im devising plans.
ive also been getting more religious as of late.
my mom is taking me to church on sunday. im willing to keep an open mind.
i don't know if god is real or not.. and its always been a struggle for me to believe or deny.
but this time, im willing to listen.
also a story,
i went to the store with my sister, and outside in the parking lot i saw these kids gathered playing music.
they were all punk-type and they were all moshing and screaming. the vocals were shit not gonna lie but for some reason it resonated with me. it was such a cool way of self expression. to show who you really are.
now im curious...
that is all for now. see you.
yours truly,
vishnu loquette.
Journal End.
oh that amuro person sounds cool... i mean ive seen pigs fly too who knows... hope sunday goes well!! :D
thank u, and ill keep my eye out for any flying pigs. you never know what 2025 may bring...
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